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Needle (deep learning Framework)

Needle (Necessary Elements For Deep Learning) Deep Learning Framework From Scratch

Needle (Necessary Elements for Deep Learning) is a deep learning framework developed from scratch and currently in progress. Built on the concept of automatic differentiation similar to PyTorch, Needle represents the essential components of deep learning. It is implemented using Python and C++ and serves as a foundational building block for constructing complex neural networks.


AI-Powered Toolkit for Automated Swallowing Kinematic Analysis in X-Ray Videofluoroscopy

AI-Powered Toolkit for Automated Swallowing Kinematic Analysis in X-Ray Videofluoroscopy

A deep learning toolkit designed for the automatic identification of swallowing kinematics. This toolkit incorporates advanced deep learning techniques, including action recognition, object tracking, and image segmentation, to develop a computer-aided system that assists doctors.